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For the Love of Learning

Live at North River Ranch, and you’ll discover it’s also a new educational hub for the entire Manatee County region. Our exceptional education network offers opportunities for learning at every stage of life. Recognizing the need for good public schools in the area, Neal Land & Neighborhoods was instrumental in facilitating the development of new schools in 2019, including Parrish Community High School the existing Barbara A. Harvey Elementary School, and dedicated land for the Middle School.

The Manatee County School Board announced that the new onsite middle school at North River Ranch will be incorporated into Barbara A. Harvey as a K-8 school. It will open this 2025/26 school year. You can read more about registration below and the design here.

Higher education will be only a few steps away. A new State College of Florida campus is adjacent to North River Ranch’s Riverfield neighborhood. The college will offer both associate and bachelor’s degree programs. Imagine going from pre-K to college, all within walking and biking distance of your home! Lifelong learners can take advantage of our outdoor “classroom” environment thanks to our miles of trails and unexpected opportunities for discovery. It’s time to make a brilliant move to our new home community in Manatee County.

Virtual Learning Made Easy with SuperStream

Young children holding hands and running through school halls

Barbara A. Harvey K-8

With the opening of the North River Ranch Middle School for the 2025/26 school year, Barbara A. Harvey Elementary will be renamed Barbara A. Harvey K-8. It will have two locations. Simply put, Barbara A. Harvey K-8 will be ONE SCHOOL WITH TWO CAMPUSES.

Primary Campus: Pre-K to 3rd Grade (current location, next to Market Walk)
Upper Campus: 4th to 8th Grade (on NRR property on North River Ranch Trail)


Manatee County School Board has a process for families to follow for the 2025/26 School Year:

The Harvey NRR campus is opening for the 2025/26 year for grades 4-6. The first two years will not be a complete K8; grades will be added each year unless decided differently during the 2026/27 rezoning process. All Harvey 5th graders will have the option to attend the new Harvey 6th grade class. All new families with 6th graders can apply to attend the new Harvey North River Ranch Middle School or Buffalo Creek, the currently zoned middle school. Families that apply for the Harvey grades 4-6 will receive an answer on their enrollment status closer to the start of the school year. 7th and 8th graders will attend Buffalo Creek, the middle school they are currently zoned for.

Buffalo Creek Middle School is only minutes away by car or bus.

Click here for a Manatee County School Board form families can fill out, or it can be located on the FOCUS parent portal. Families with questions about their current situation should contact School Board representative Alicia Carrillo at 941.708.4971 ext. 42011 or carrilloa@manateeschools.net. For more information or genreal questions, please contact Manatee Schools.

Led by Principal Dr. Hayley Rio, the school will ensure a seamless articulation from elementary to middle school, extending the values of Family, Memories, and Passion through 8th grade.

Barbara Harvey Elementary reflects its namesake: Passionate and dedicated educators who treat everyone like family. We give away hugs while elevating academic success. We care for each child, finding their learning style and adapting to their needs. We connect with parents and the community to produce socially responsible citizens of the world. We make memories every day in a warm and friendly environment so students feel valued.

Chemistry class at school

Buffalo Creek Middle School

The mission of Buffalo Creek Middle School is to inspire our students with a passion for learning, empowered to pursue their dreams confidently and creatively while contributing to our community, nation and world.

Teenagers studying at school

Parrish Community High School

We provide a safe and supportive environment, focused on academic excellence, social awareness, and community involvement while creating innovative learners who are inspired to meet local and global challenges.

Father with arm around his high school graduate son
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